Over its lifetime, GHOU and its partners Galileo Teacher Training Program and Moon Over Us have reached through workshops over 80,000 teachers around the world. If teachers reach 60 students (2 classes total) with their new GHOU materials, this means that millions of students have been educated with GHOU resources. We aspire to billions of students.
Student Gains in IT skills with GHOU

Students learn pre-algebra better than non-GHOU students: see Perazzo et al, 2019.
Students Gains with GHOU in Modeling Instruction

Gain with Traditional Instruction
Gain with Novice Modeler
Gain with Expert Modeler
Citation: Perazzo, J., Pennypacker, C., Stronck, D. Bass, K., Heredia, J., Lobo, R., Ben-Shalom, G. (2015). Persistent and encouraging achievement gains on math Common Core-aligned items for middle school English language learners: ASAMI— Hands-On Astronomy for After-school Science and Math Integration. Science Education and Civic Engagement, 7 (2) 109-119.
Students Choosing Technical Careers after GHOU

Teachers Use of Technology
Pre-post survey results from among participants in the Uganda NCDC/GHOU physics teacher program: ICT comfort level. Pre-workshop responses on the left above of each question response in green, and post-workshop on the right in light blue.

Teachers Understanding of Astronomy
Pre-post survey results from among participants in the Uganda NCDC/GHOU-GTTP physics teacher program: astronomy knowledge comfort level. Pre-workshop responses on the left above of each question response in green, post-workshop on the right in ligh blue.

Changing How Science Is Taught
GHOU teaches science use real data, acquired by modern telescopes and imaging devices. GHOU artfully endeavors to blend such technology into smaller telescopes, and even work with the smallest image devices — the Smartphone!
We have proven that remotely delivered teacher workshops are as effective as face-to-face workshops as measured by gains in students’ understanding on assessment items” (see Salient Issues in the Development and Evaluation of Web-Based Teacher Training Methods for the Hands-On Universe Science Curiculum, HsingChi A. Wang, Richard T. Houang, William H. Schmidt, Alan Gould, Carl Pennypacker, AERA, 2004).
Successful Uganda Workshop — see Thurber et al (submitted, June, 2022) to Astronomy Education Journal.
GHOU can successfully educate teachers in an online system as well as in a face-to-face system. This is based on a careful study of online and face-to-face workshops, US HOU workshops on educating teachers online are listed in this website’s workshops pages.