Future Expansion

 Over the next five years, engage 100,000 new teachers in GHOU.

GHOU’s prime goal is to bring the high quality education system developed and implemented by the GHOU collaboration into classrooms and after school programs around the world.

  • Goal 1: Develop and deploy international projects that help students and teachers acquire, analyze and model astronomical data, as well as report their results meaningfully, all the while increasing their mastery of foundational mathematics and science.
  • Goal 2: Coordinate and organize GHOU international conferences and regional, local, or transcontinental teacher workshops.  These conferences eventually reach and impact thousands of teachers, millions of students, and many other  educators, scientists, and members of the global education community. 
  • Goal 3:  Help new nations implement GHOU and other partners into their nations’ educational and teacher development infrastructure. Share GHOU and partners’ resources with all eager teachers and students on planet earth. Develop powerful in-person, remote synchronous, and asynchronous internet mediated workshops for teachers!
  • Goal 4: Strengthen GHOU’s impact data literature that shows students’ and teachers’ gains in authentic scientific inquiry using real data, increasing their scientific and mathematical knowledge.