This year, and for the first time (due to the ongoing situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic), the Global Hands-on Universe Conference took place Online, from the 22nd to the 28th of August.
The Conference opening was a live 24-hour webcast with invited keynote speakers, leading scientists and educators from all continents.
The regular program went on for the next 5 days with oral presentations, workshops and roundtable discussions, conducted by the various experts joining the event, and that could be seen by any teacher or student with internet access in the world, via Zoom or Facebook. These sessions were hosted in 3 different time zones spread 8 hours apart from each other.
The list of topics included Astronomy for Development, Robotic Telescopes, Science Communication, Dark Skies and Heritage, Asteroid Search, Modelling, Kinaesthetic Astronomy, Arts and Science, Astronomy and the UN Sustainable Development Goals and much more.
For the first time, besides the traditional international Galileo Teacher Training Program, the meeting counted with the Global Science Opera for Schools and the Global Hands on Ocean teams, gathering scientists, educators and artists in a unique course.
Amazing and inspiring people from 85 countries attended this online event with 22 keynote speakers, 129 oral presentations, 40 workshops, 3 roundtables, live astronomical observations, performances and more…

Thank you all for being with us in this extraordinary global experience in science education!